Friday, October 29, 2010

October 25 (Day 14)

So I've been slackin' off lately, but in my defense, I've been making good use of my time. If you count homework.....
Today is "What are your plans for the future?"
How appropriate, today was college day. I spent the better half of my morning sitting through presentations about why I need to go to this college or that university. What surprised me was the lack of talk about how well their academic programs are, and how well their students transition into a career world. Instead there was a lot of talk about sororities, how far the drive to Vegas was, and what kind of activities they have going on all the time. Oh well.
I want to go into Fashion Design, but as "one" would discover by going to "college day", there are zero colleges or universities that offer a four year bachelors degree or even an associates in the state of UT. So do I go out of state? Do I give up my career goals? Do I even go to school? Who knows? Certainly not me.

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