Sunday, October 24, 2010

October 24 (Day 13)

Something you learned today.
How appropriate. Today I went to church and had the great opportunity to listen and watch this year's primary program. I realized how under appreciated it is. I listened to the beautiful testimonies of these children. So pure and so young, and so very sure that what they have been taught is true. It puts me in my place. I know I take for granted the blessing that I have received because of my active participation in my church, but today helped me to regain a sense of what I need to be doing. I also was able to listen to a beautiful talk given by a beautiful woman in my YW class. She taught us a lesson that we've all heard before. That our heavenly father loves us, is aware of us, and is always with us as long as we are worthy. We've all heard this lesson before, but she gave a wonderful and different perspective than I've ever seen before. So today, I relearned several lessons. That I have a testimony and need to do more to show it. That my heavenly father loves all of his children despite age, despite choices, or despite appearances.

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