Sunday, December 28, 2008

i've been tagged

7 things i am passionate about

1. my family
2. hanging out with my friends
3. ballroom
4. school
5. getting at least 6.5 hours of sleep :)
6. just chillin'
7. food

7 things i want to do before i die

1. get married
2. have kids
3. go to college
4. start a tradition
5. read a jane austin book (an impossible task for me!)
6. go to a girls choice dance! :(
7. travel

7 places i would love to go to or see

1. Europe
2. New York
3. China
4. The Middle East
5. The Ocean
6. Hawaii
7. All States in USA

i tag mom!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I TAGGED YOU!!!! Your awesome sarah! your tag was cute! Happy birthday by the way (12 days ago!) got any dates yet? oooo owe owe!